
Invitation to the international conference at SanFiesta – 2022 with the topic: «Energy – The Green Transition»

Date: Thursday June 9th Time: from 10 – 15 o’clock
Location: Kunnskapssenteret, Otto Sverdrups plass 4, Sandvika, Bærum

Opening words by: Siw Wikan, Deputy Mayor of Bærum kommune.

Moderator for the day: Mo Bourmani, CEO of Bærum International Hub.

We believe that cultural exchange will first and foremost foster a better understanding and communication between our countries. The effects go far beyond culture and the arts: Mutual understanding and respect can also lead to the creation of job opportunities and economic growth of our countries.In view of these thoughts, the conference will focus on a topic which will bring forth expertise and experience – and where we can learn from and collaborate with others: The Green Transition, especially in the energy sector.

The goal of the conference is to:

* Bring together people/projects/businesses who are a part of/interested in, the Green Transition.

* Discuss how we can move towards a solution of some of the challenges we face in this endeavor.

* Expand our mutual understanding of plans and results in our countries.

The conference offers participants the opportunity to:

* Present domestic projects from Latin America, Norway, or collaborations of such.

* Join a match-making exercise to meet individuals/projects of interest for possible future collaboration

* Meet others interested in/ working with the green transition.

Please inform us in your registration if you wish to have a reserved place for you to present yourself and your project and/or join the match-making sequence.

Participants will include:

* Companies working in the Green sector, investors and start-ups

* Embassies and consulates of Latin American countries in Norway

* Norwegian experts on the theme of the conference

* Persons interested in the topic.

The presentations will be from 10 o’clock till 12 o’clock when we will have lunch and match-making, and the presentations continue from 13:15 to 14:45. Each presentation is expected to last 15 minutes with an opening for questions during the additional 10 minutes. Please inform us of your requirements if you are planning to have a presentation. There will of course be a sound system.

Please register through the link below.https://www.deltager.no/…/konferanseenergythegreentrans…

If you have any questions, please call, Trine Bendixen at +47 918 37 737.

Hoping to see you!


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